Aseannow Business Directory

Who is AseanNow Directory?

The AseanNow Business Directory is an extensive, searchable online database featuring a wide range of businesses in Thailand. Created to serve both residents and tourists, AseanNow offers a reliable way to discover service providers, shops, restaurants, and more, with easy-to-navigate listings and up-to-date contact information.

Web Design
Asean Now
Start Date
September 2024
Finish Date
November 2024

Project Description

The AseanNow Business Directory is a comprehensive online resource designed to connect users with various businesses across Thailand. Assigned as the project manager by Darren Lyons, CEO of The Thaiger, I was responsible for overseeing the development and launch of this directory platform. The goal was to create an efficient, user-friendly website that would serve as a trusted resource for locating businesses in key categories, from dining and accommodation to professional services.


When Darren entrusted me with the AseanNow Business Directory project, it was an exciting opportunity to create a platform that would strengthen connections within Thailand’s business ecosystem. From site architecture to data collection, I handled each aspect of the project with attention to detail. I researched leading directory sites to understand best practices and optimize user experience, then collaborated with an intern to gather data for business listings throughout Thailand. Utilizing Google Maps, we ensured accurate information and a broad selection of businesses to help users easily find what they need.


Managing the project end-to-end, I began by studying usability standards across directory websites to make AseanNow's interface intuitive and appealing. My responsibilities included overseeing the site’s build, organizing and managing the listings data, and applying SEO techniques to ensure maximum visibility. I carefully optimized on-page elements such as headings, alt text, and metadata, and set background pages like user dashboards to “nofollow” and “noindex” for SEO cleanliness and privacy.

Working closely with Darren and my team, I continuously reviewed progress to maintain a high standard, resulting in a directory platform that met AseanNow’s vision. The website now serves as a valuable tool for locals and travelers, providing essential business information in one convenient place.